ARO In The News
- First Results from the Event Horizon Telescope
- 2019 LAD Laboratory Astrophysics Prize Goes to Dr. Lucy Ziurys
- Hitching a Ride on Comet 29P
- Telescope array on track to image black hole "shadows"
- Arizona Radio Observatory: Call For Proposals (Spring 2016)
- UA Researchers Find New Cometary Compound
- Testing relativity with a telescope as big as the Earth
- ARO Director, Professor Lucy Ziurys, Wins the 2015 Barbara Mez-Starck Prize
- Black Hole Hunters (The New York Times)
- Virtual Telescope Expands to See Black Holes (UA News)
- Massive radio telescope probes sky for black holes, Milky Way (Fox News Video)
- Programs bring new life on Kitt Peak (Arizona Daily Star Article)
- New Radio Telescope Ready to Probe
- Incredible technology: How to see an invisible black hole
- Spotlight Roundtable: Witnessing Starbursts In Young Galaxies
- ALMA Exposes Hidden Star Factories in the Early Universe
- Unravelling the secrets of black holes
- Looking Into the Abyss of Space and Time
- Eyeing a Supermassive Black Hole
- ARO SMT take part of the sharpest observation ever
- Venus Transit From Kitt Peak
- Steward Astronomer Hopes to Take the First Picture of a Black Hole
- Astronomy Professor Honored For His Creative Teaching
- Scientists Prepare to Take First-Ever Picture of a Black Hole
- Dr. Vladimir Strelnitski Awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Mentoring
- NSF'S Renewed Push For Innovation (Dec)
- New Research Center Will Free Chemistry from Earth's Bonds (Oct)
- UA scope sheds new light on black hole (Sep)
- New Virtual Telescope Zooms in on Milky Way's Super-Massive Black Hole (Sep)
- ARO has another paper published in Nature (Sep)
- Super stellar cocktail (Aug)
- Arizona Radio Observatory Team Discovers Supergiant Star Spews Molecules Needed for Life (July)
- Director Dr. Ziurys appears on KUAT's Arizona Illustrated (Aug)
- Arizona Daily Star's Story on the University's Involvement in Space Based Astronomy
- UA's top talent in space sciences (July)
- Astronomic Success (July)
- ARO has a paper published in Nature (June)
- Gas Giants Jump Into Planet Formation Early (Jan 8)
- ARO Director Lucy Ziurys is interviewed for the Seti Institute's Weekly Science Radio Program (mp3) (May 24)
- Nature article about ALMA, including comments by Director Ziurys and references to the 12 Meter
- Future Astrobiologists Head to Tucson for Hands-On Astronomy
- Deep Impact (July)
- Astronomers' Holiday Special -- a July 4 Comet Bash (June)
- Biology Students Learn To Scan The Stars For Signs Of Life (March)
- Checking Dimples on the Cosmic Golf Ball (Winter)
- ARO Telescopes join world network (Oct)
- Astronomical Earth: Creating a Giant Telescope (Oct)
- Virtual telescope provides pinpoint views of the cosmos (Oct)
- New virtual telescope provides sharpest views of the cosmos (Sep)
- New telescope, most powerful yet developed, is as big as Earth itself (Sep)
- VLBI News Brief (Oct)